Jaredite Era

Thirty Generations of Jaredites

Ether 1:6
Ether is the historian of the Jaredites.
Ether 1:7–32
Ether is a distant but direct descendant of Jared. Thirty individuals (inclusive) are noted in the lineage between Jared and Ether.
Ether 1:33
Jared originated near the “Great Tower,” at the time that the language of the people was being changed.

Jared and His Brother at the Great Tower

Ether 1:34
Jared tells his brother to plead with the Lord not to change their language.
Ether 1:35
God grants Jared and Jared’s brother’s wish, and their language is not changed.
Ether 1:36
Jared tells his brother to pray again, and ask that their friends and family’s language might not be changed also.
Ether 1:37
Jared’s brother prays, and his wish is again granted by the Lord.
Ether 1:38–39
Jared tells his brother to pray yet again, to ask the Lord if they will be driven out of the land, and if so, where they should go.
Ether 1:40–43
Jared’s brother complies, and the Lord tells Jared’s brother to gather his friends, family, and livestock, and travel to a valley northward—a promised land of inheritance is in store for them.

Beginning of Jaredite Travels

Ether 2:1–3
Jared’s family and friends, or Jaredites, travel to the northern valley, called Nimrod, with their livestock, bird, fish and bees.
Ether 2:4–5
The Lord appears to the brother of Jared in a cloud, and directs him further into uncharted lands.
Ether 2:6–8
The Jaredites follow the Lord’s directions, travel in the wilderness, and build barges, in preparation for a migration to a land of promise.
Ether 2:13
The Jaredites arrive at the sea shore, and set up camp there, where they stay there for four years.
Ether 2:14–15
The Lord comes to the brother of Jared again in the form of a cloud, chastises him for not having prayed more during the past four years, and commands him to build more barges, like the ones he has already built.

Shipbuilding Struggles in the Wilderness

Ether 2:16, 3:1
The Jaredites go to work, and build small and light barges.
Ether 2:17
The barges were constructed in a very tight manner.
Ether 2:18–19
The brother of Jared prays, reports to the Lord that he built the barges, but expresses concern that there is no light or fresh air in the barges.
Ether 2:20
The Lord instructs the brother of Jared to cut two holes in the boat, one at the top and one at the bottom, allowing for ventilation.
Ether 2:21–22
The brother of Jared does as he is commanded, but still is concerned that there is no light.
Ether 2:23–25
The Lord asks the brother of Jared what he thinks should be done about the lighting problem—windows are not a viable option.

The Brother of Jared, Jesus and Sixteen Stones

Ether 3:1–5
Jared’s brother goes a mountain called Shelem, and makes sixteen clear stones out of molten rock; he carries them up the mountain, cries out in humility, and asks the Lord to touch the stones so that they emit light.
Ether 3:6
The Lord’s hand pierces the veil, and touches the sixteen stones one by one.
Ether 3:6
Jared’s brother, astounded, falls to the ground.
Ether 3:7
The Lord asks the brother of Jared why he fell.
Ether 3:8
Jared’s brother says he didn’t know that the Lord has flesh and blood, and was afraid of being hit.
Ether 3:9
The Lord says that Jared’s brother’s faith let him see that the Lord will indeed become flesh and blood, he asks if he saw more than his finger.
Ether 3:10
Jared’s brother says no, but asks the Lord to show himself.
Ether 3:11
The Lord asks him if he will believe the Lord’s words.
Ether 3:12
The brother of Jared says that he knows God cannot lie, and believes.
Ether 3:13–16
The Lord shows himself in his entirety, announces that he is Jesus Christ, that faith on him brings mankind back to that Father, and that his current body is only a body of spirit.
Ether 3:17–20
The brother of Jared’s great faith could keep nothing from him, and thus he received a sure knowledge of God.
Ether 3:21–24
Jesus instructs the brother of Jared to keep quiet about his revelations, but to write them down—in time his stones would be used to bring his words to light.
Ether 3:25–26
Jesus shows the brother of Jared a marvelous vision of all the inhabitants of the earth, and a comprehensive history of the world and humanity.
Ether 3:27–28
Jesus again commands the brother of Jared to write down what he saw.
Ether 4:1
The contents of the vision are withheld from the world until the death and resurrection of Christ.
Ether 12:30
Possibly around this time, the brother of Jared comes across a mountain called “Zerin”; he says unto it “Remove!” and it is removed.

Transoceanic Voyage of the Jaredites

Ether 6:2–3
The brother of Jared puts his now glowing stones in each barge; they light up well.
Ether 6:4
The Jaredites load their provisions and livestock on the barges, and launch into the ocean.
Ether 6:5
The Lord causes a furious wind to blow them towards the promised land.
Ether 6:6
The barges are often plunged deep in the water as huge waves crash on top of them.
Ether 6:7
The barges remain waterproof, the Jaredites’ pleas to the Lord are answered, and the barges never sink.
Ether 6:8
The wind continues to blow, and the Jaredites continue to move forward.
Ether 6:9
The Jaredites continuously sing and praise the Lord.
Ether 6:10
The Jaredite barges are spared from violent sea creature attacks, and the interiors of their barges stay lit.
Ether 6:11–12
Their boat trip lasts for 344 days, and they finally land at the promised land, where they weep for joy and praise the Lord.

Colonization of the Promised Land

Ether 6:13–18
The Jaredites begin to till the ground, multiply, and establish themselves—Jared has sons, one of whom is Orihah.
Ether 6:19
In time, Jared’s brother ages, and suggest to Jared that the people be gathered together to hear their wishes.
Ether 6:20–22
A census is taken, and the people express their wish to have king appointed.
Ether 6:23
The brother of Jared is concerned, as he thinks this will lead the people into captivity.
Ether 6:24
Jared says that the people should have their way, and tells them to choose a king.
Ether 6:25–27
The people choose the brother of Jared’s son, Pagag, but Pagag refuses; Pagag’s brothers and cousins all refuse as well, except for Jared’s son Orihah, who agrees, and becomes king.

The Jaredite Kingdom Under Orihah, Kib, and Corihor

Ether 6:28
Orihah begins to reign, and the Jaredites prosper.
Ether 6:29
Jared and his brother both die.
Ether 6:30
Orihah reigns humbly, aware of the good graces of God toward his people.
Ether 7:1
Orihah reigns for a long time in righteousness.
Ether 7:2
Orihah has 31 children, 23 of which were sons.
Ether 7:3
Orihah has another son, Kib.
Ether 7:3
Kib succeeds Orihah as king.
Ether 7:3–4
Kib has a son, Corihor, who rebels against Kib, deserts the Jaredite body, and establishes himself and his followers in a land called Nehor.
Ether 7:5–6
Corihor gathers an army in Nehor, and attacks Kib’s kingdom, which was in a place call Moron; Kib is defeated.
Ether 7:7
Kib lives captive under his son Corihor’s rule; while in captivity, he has a son named Shule.
Ether 7:8–9
Shule is angry with his brother Corihor; he makes swords at a hill called Ephraim, assembles supporters, and succesfully battles Corihor at Nehor, and restores the kingdom to Kib.

Jaredite Civil War and Reunification

Ether 7:10–11
Kib bestows the kingdom on his son, Shule, who reigns righteously.
Ether 7:12–14
Shule has many children, Corihor repents, and also has many children, one of whom is named Noah.
Ether 7:15–16
Noah rebels against his father Corihor and uncle Shule, assembles many people including his brother Cohor, and gains control over the original Jaredite landing area.
Ether 7:17
Noah again attacks his uncle, Shule, carries him away to Moron, and sentences him to death.
Ether 7:18
Soon before his execution, however, Shule’s sons break in, kill Noah, and free Shule.
Ether 7:19
Noah’s son, also named Cohor, takes Noah’s kingdom, but does not continue the siege against Shule.
Ether 7:20–21
The two Jaredite kingdoms of Shule and Cohor go to battle—Shule’s kingdom wins, and kills Cohor.
Ether 7:22
Cohor’s son, Nimrod, surrenders the kingdom to Shule, and the nation is unified.
Ether 7:23
During Shule’s days, many prophets come and preach to the people, admonishing them to repent or be destroyed.
Ether 7:24–26
Many people reject the prophets, but Shule enacts laws to prevent persecution; people repent and begin to prosper.
Ether 7:27
Shule’s reign continues in peace and righteousness.

Rebellion and Conspiracy Against Omer

Ether 8:1–3
Shule’s son Omer becomes king, and has a son, Jared, rebels and leaves for the land of Heth, where he establishes a kingdom, and overthrows his father.
Ether 8:4–6
While in his son Jared’s captivity, Omer has more children, two named Esrom and Coriantumr, who resent their brother Jared’s actions; they gather forces, overthrow Jared’s kingdom, spare Jared, and restore the kingdom to their father Omer.
Ether 8:7–8
Jared feels sorry for the loss of his kingdom and power, but his daughter begins to devise a plan to get Jared’s kingdom back.
Ether 8:9–10
She suggests that they plot to kill Omer by enticing a man named Akish to decapitate Omer in exchange for her hand in marriage.
Ether 8:11
Jared calls for Akish, and Jared’s daughter for him—he immediately asks for her as wife.
Ether 8:12
Jared tells Akish that he can have her in exchange for Omer’s head.
Ether 8:13
Akish gathers his family around, and asks if they will be faithful to him.
Ether 8:14–15
They all swear a pact of secrecy to stand by Akish.
Ether 8:16–17
Thus, the secret oaths of the devil came among the people.
Ether 8:18–19
This is contrary to the will of the Lord, who does not work in secret combinations.

Omer’s Escape and Akish’s Mafia

Ether 9:1–2
The organized criminal ring of Akish and his followers give him an advantage over Omer.
Ether 9:3
Omer is warned in a dream to leave, and takes his family and those loyal to him to a place called Ablom, on the coast.
Ether 9:4
In Omer’s absence, Jared becomes king, and Akish marries Jared’s daughter.
Ether 9:5–6
Akish plots against king Jared, and murders him; Akish becomes the king in Jared’s stead.
Ether 9:7
Akish begins to be jealous of his son, so he locks him up in a dungeon, where he starves to death.
Ether 9:8–9
Nimrah, Akish’s other son, becomes angry with his father, so he gathers a group of people who leave the kingdom, and join Omer on the east coast.
Ether 9:10–11
Akish has more sons who live and rule in wickedness; a power struggle develops between Akish and his sons.
Ether 9:12–13
A horrific civil war ensues, and the gross majority of Akish’s kingdom is annihilated; the few survivors join Omer’s kingdom, which now expands back into Akish’s prior holdings.

The Reign of Emer

Ether 9:14–15
Omer’s son Emer is appointed to succeed Omer, and after Omer’s death, Emer does in fact become king.
Ether 9:16–19
The Jaredites prosper under Emer’s reign, and have an abundance of strength, food, linen, minerals, and livestock.
Ether 9:20
The Lord blesses the people, but the inhabitants of the land are to live unto the Lord, or face his wrath.
Ether 9:21–22
Emer lives righteously, sees Jesus, and has many sons, one of whom is Coriantum, who succeeds Emer as king.

The Reigns of Coriantum, Com, and Heth

Ether 9:23
Coriantum also reigns righteously, but grows old without any children.
Ether 9:24
Coriantum’s wife dies, Coriantum remarries, has many children, and lives to be 142 years old.
Ether 9:25
One of Coriantum’s sons, Com, becomes king; Com has, among other children, a son named Heth.
Ether 9:26–27
Heth begins to embrace the secret evil pacts of the past, hungers for power, and kills his father Com, taking his place as king.
Ether 9:28–29
Prophets come among the people and warn them to repent, warning them of a famine, but most people reject and harass the prophets.
Ether 9:30–32
The land is stricken with a dearth, the population declines rapidly, and venomous snakes attack people and scatter livestock.
Ether 9:33
The Lord causes the snakes to form a barricade to block the people off from the southern land.
Ether 9:34
The people try to follow the path of the migrating livestock, scavenging carcasses along the way.
Ether 9:34–35
Seeing that their sins brought this upon them the people begin to repent; soon after, rain begins to fall, and fruit grows back in the northern region.

The Reign of Shez

Ether 10:1
Heth dies in the famine, and his descendant, Shez, takes upon himself the task of reconstructing the ravaged nation.
Ether 10:2
Shez remembers the fate of his fathers, builds the kingdom righeously, remembering the good graces of God.
Ether 10:3
Shez has a son (also named Shez) who begins to rebel against his father, but is soon enough attacked by a robber; his father it put back at ease.
Ether 10:4
Shez continues to reign righteously until his death; his other son named Riplakish takes his place as king.

The Reign of Riplakish

Ether 10:5
Riplakish abuses his kingly power, imposes absurd taxes, lives in opulence, and has many wives and mistresses.
Ether 10:6
Riplakish builds a beautiful throne; he forces all his subjects to work, and pay taxes, and those unable to pay are thrown in prison, where they become his slaves.
Ether 10:7
Riplakish exploits the imprisoned slaves and has them make all kinds of gold and ornaments.
Ether 10:8
The people finally revolt, kill Riplakish, and exhile his descendants.

The Reign of Morianton

Ether 10:9
Morianton was a descendant of Riplakish who gathers some forces and conquers some cities back from the main body of Jaredites; after more struggles and battles, he is successful in regaining the entire kingdom.
Ether 10:10–11
Morianton is good to his people, and eases their burden, personally, however, is was not a moral or righteous man.
Ether 10:12
Morianton’s public policies lead to economic prosperity.

The Reigns of Kim, Kim’s Brother, Levi, Corom, and Kish

Ether 10:13–14
Morianton’s son Kim eventually takes Morianton’s place as king, reigns wickedly, and is overthrown by his brother; while in captivity, Kim has a son named Levi.
Ether 10:15
Kim dies; Levi rebels against his uncle, and is successful in regaining the kingdom.
Ether 10:16
Levi reigns righteously and prosperously, and his son Corom succeeds him as king.
Ether 10:17
Corom also reigns righteously, and appoints his son Kish to be the next king.

The Reign of Lib

Ether 10:18
Kish’s son Lib becomes king.
Ether 10:19
Lib is a righteous king; during his reign the barricade of snakes is destroyed, and the Jaredites are able to travel south to become hunters.
Ether 10:20–23
The Jaredites build a large city near the narrow neck of land; they become very prosperous and develop commerce, metalwork, and industry.
Ether 10:24–27
The Jaredites become very skilled, and advance in the fields of textiles, agriculture and technology.
Ether 10:28–29
The Jaredites continue to prosper and are blessed by the Lord; Lib has a son named Hearthom.

The Captivity of Hearthom, Heth, Aaron, Amnigaddah, Coriantum and Com

Ether 10:30
Hearthom succeeds his father as king, but is overthrown and taken captive.
Ether 10:31
Hearthom’s son Heth, Heth’s son Aaron, Aaron’s son Amnigaddah, and Amnigaddah’ son Coriantum all live their lives as captives; Coriantum has a son named Com.
Ether 10:32
Com is able to regain half of the kingdom; he then goes to war with the rival king, Amgid, and is successful in conquering the entire kingdom.
Ether 10:33–34
The secret organization of the past again resurfaces, despite Com’s opposition efforts.
Ether 11:1–4
Many prophets emerge and warn against the secret societies of evil; the prophets also associate directly with Com, who is blessed, and has a son named Shiblom.

Disaster Under Shiblom

Ether 11:4
Shiblom’s brother rebels, and a war breaks out.
Ether 11:6
Prophets come and warn the people to repent or else a terrible destruction will befall the Jaredites.
Ether 11:5
Shiblom’s brother executes all of the prophets who warn about their destruction.
Ether 11:7
A terrible destruction does indeed ensue, and many people die to wars, battles, famines, and plagues.
Ether 11:8
The people begin to repent, and the Lord is merciful.
Ether 11:9
Shiblom is killed, and his son Seth is captured.

The Reigns of Aha and Ethem

Ether 11:10
Seth’s son Ahah becomes king in captivity, and reigns in violence and wickedness, but only for a short time.
Ether 11:11
Ethem, a descendant of Ahah, inherits the kingdom, and likewise rules wickedly.
Ether 11:12
Once again, prophets come to warn the people of more destruction unless they repent.
Ether 11:13
The people reject the prophets, who mourn because of the people’s wickedness.
Ether 11:14
Ethem is wicked his whole life; his son Moron is also wicked.

The Reign of Moron

Ether 11:15
A secret organization starts a citizen rebellion again Moron, who loses half his kingdom to the insurgents, lead by a mighty man.
Ether 11:16
Moron strikes back, and regains his holdings.
Ether 11:17–18
A descendant of the brother of Jared overthrows Moron, who is taken captive; Moron has a son named Coriantor.

Coriantor in Captivity

Ether 11:19
Coriantor lives in captivity his whole life.
Ether 11:20
Prophets come yet again among the people, and prophesy of utter destruction unless the people repent.
Ether 11:21
The prophets also foretell that others will inherit the land in place of the Jaredites.
Ether 11:22
The prophets are again rejected.
Ether 11:23
Coriantor has a son named Ether, then dies.

The Prophet Ether

Ether 12:1
A man named Coriantumr was king at the time of Ether.
Ether 12:2–3
Ether is a prophet, and goes about preaching faith and repentance to the people.
Ether 12:4–5
Ether teaches the people that belief in God leads to hope for a better world.
Ether 13:13–14
Despite the greatness of Ether’s teachings, he is rejected and exiled, and spends his days living in a cave, compiling the record of his people by day, and witnessing the downfall of the Jaredite civilization by night.
Ether 13:15
War and contention arises among the people, and many warriors try to take down Coriantumr.
Ether 13:16–17
Coriantumr, expert in the art of war, withstands all attacks against him, maintains his power, and does not repent.
Ether 13:18–19
Secret organizations emerge again and try to take the kingdom from Coriantumr.
Ether 13:20–21
The following year Ether prophesies to Coriantumr that unless he repents, the civilization will be destroyed, and a new one will come in its place.
Ether 13:22
Coriantumr ignores Ether’s prophecies, and continues to wage war with his opponents; attempts on Ether’s life are made, and his goes back to his cave to hide.

Conflict Between Shared, Gilead and Coriantumr

Ether 13:23–24
A warrior name Shared comes against Coriantumr, and beats him, but Coriantumr’s sons retaliate, and regain the kingdom.
Ether 13:25–26
War and wickedness ravage the land.
Ether 13:27–28
Coriantumr gathers his powers and attacks Shared in the valley of Gilgal; he peruses Shared to the plains of Heshlon, and beats him after a three day battle.
Ether 13:29–31
Shared fights back, and drives Coriantumr back to the valley of Gilgal; Coriantumr is wounded in his thigh, but still defends himself and kills Shared.
Ether 14:1–2
The land and the people become cursed, and they easily lose their tools and weapons.
Ether 14:3,8
Shared’s brother Gilead comes to Coriantumr to avenge Shared—they fight, and Coriantumr drives Shared’s brother to the wilderness of Akish.
Ether 14:4
The two forces fight in the wilderness of Akish, where thousands die.
Ether 14:5
Some of Coriantumr’s men get drunk and are killed by Gilead brother’s men, who march out of the wilderness.
Ether 14:6
Gilead marches to the land of Moron, and assumes Coriantumr’s throne.
Ether 14:7
Coriantumr stays in the wilderness for two years, where he powers up his army.
Ether 14:8–9
Gilead also gains power, but a secret organization plots against him, and he is killed on this throne.
Ether 14:10
The instigator of the murder is Gilead’s successor, Lib, who is a very large man.

Conflict Between Lib and Coriantumr

Ether 14:11
Coriantumr comes back from out of the wilderness, and attacks Lib.
Ether 14:12
Lib injures Coriantumr, but ultimately Coriantumr drives Lib out of the kingdom and chases him to the coast.
Ether 14:13
The two armies fight on the seashore.
Ether 14:14
Lib gains the advantage over Coriantumr, who escapes to the wilderness of Akish.
Ether 14:15
Lib continues the pursuit, and drives Coriantumr to the plains of Agosh.
Ether 14:16–17
Coriantumr and Lib fight in the plain of Agosh—Lib is killed, Coriantumr retreats, and Lib’s brother Shiz takes his place.

Conflict Between Shiz and Coriantumr

Ether 14:17
Shiz initiates a barbaric campaign against Coriantumr’s kingdom.
Ether 14:18
People become increasing fearful of Shiz.
Ether 14:19
People all over gather their people together to form armies.
Ether 14:20
Some people ally themselves with Shiz’s army, others with Coriantumr’s.
Ether 14:21
The horrific destruction leaves the land is littered with dead bodies.
Ether 14:22
The fast pace of the war leaves people unable to bury their dead.
Ether 14:23
The piles of dead bodies produce an horrendous stench.
Ether 14:24
Shiz, determined to avenge his brother Lib, continues to peruse Coriantumr.
Ether 14:24–25
The Lord reveals to Ether that Coriantumr will survive the war.
Ether 14:26
Shiz drives Coriantumr to the coast, where they fight for three days.
Ether 14:27
Shiz’s army is heavily hit, and retreats to the land of Corihor, where they kill all those who would not join them.
Ether 14:28
Shiz establishes his forces in the valley of Corihor, Coriantumr sets up in the valley of Shurr; Coriantumr sounds a trumpet, inviting Shiz to come to battle.
Ether 14:29
Three separate battles ensue, in which Shiz’s forces are severely weakened.
Ether 14:30
Shiz attacks Coriantumr personally, and inflicts many deep wounds; Coriantumr faints, and is carried of as if dead.
Ether 14:31
Seeing the tremendous loss of life, Shiz commands his army to retreat.

Failed Negotiations and Initiatory Strike

Ether 15:1–3
Coriantumr, recovering from his wounds, remembers the prophesies of Ether; seeing the millions of people dead on his account, he beings to repent.
Ether 15:4–5
Coriantumr writes Shiz a letter asking him to surrender to prevent more lost of life—Shiz replies and says that if Coriantumr offers his life up to Shiz, Shiz would spare the people.
Ether 15:6–7
Seeing this reply, Coriantumr is furious, and begins to prepare for an attack on Shiz.
Ether 15:8–9
Coriantumr and Shiz bring their armies near the waters of Ripliancum, and engage in a battle—Coriantumr is again wounded, and faints due to blood loss.
Ether 15:10–11
Even so, Coriantumr’s army drives Shiz’s forces southward, to a place called Ogath; Coriantumr’s troops set up camp near a hill called Ramah.
Ether 15:12–14
For four years the Jaredites all gather together, and join either Coriantumr’s side or Shiz’s side; meanwhile, Ether looks on from a distance.

The Last Battle

Ether 15:15
The two colossal armies march towards each other, initiate a battle, and fight all day long.
Ether 15:16
At night, the fighters return to their camps and hear the sorrowed cries of their people mourning their dead.
Ether 15:17
The following day proceeds similarly, with fighting all day and mourning all night.
Ether 15:18–19
Coriantumr tries to negotiate with Shiz, but Satan has such a strong grasp on the people that it is useless.
Ether 15:20–21
The people again fight all day, and sleep with their swords by their sides at night.
Ether 15:22–23
After several days of furious and continual battle, only 52 of Coriantumr’s men are still alive, and only 69 of Shiz’s men.
Ether 15:24–25
After the next days battle, Coriantumr has 27 survivors, and Shiz has 32.
Ether 15:26
The soldiers eat and sleep, and prepare for their deaths the next day.
Ether 15:27
After three hours of fighting, they faint due to blood loss.
Ether 15:28
Coriantumr’s men wake up and begin to leave, but Shiz’s men also wake up and swear that they will kill them.
Ether 15:29
Shiz’s men catch up to the Coriantumr, and they fight, but they soon all faint again, except for Coriantumr.
Ether 15:30
Coriantumr, leaning on his sword, comes up to Shiz, and deals a death blow.
Ether 15:31
Shiz convulses violently, struggling for breath, and dies.
Ether 15:32
Coriantumr, exhausted, falls down.
Ether 15:33
The Lord tells Ether to go forth; Ether sees that all the prophecies about the Jaredites were true.
Ether 15:33
Ether finishes writing the record of his fallen people, and then hides it.
Ether 15:34
Ether’s last recorded words express his desire to be saved in God’s kingdom, regardless of how he dies.


Omni 21
Sometime after the battle, Coriantumr wanders around, and somehow stumbles upon the Mulekites, or “people of Zarahemla” who had recently arrived from Jerusalem. He spends some time with them, and then leaves, never to be heard from again.
Mosiah 21:26–27
Several centuries later, the search party dispatched by Limhi tries to find Zarahemla, but instead come across the ruins of the Jaredite civilization, where they find the record that Ether wrote. They take the record back with them, and it is eventually translated by King Mosiah.
Ether 1:1
The record eventually reaches Moroni, who again translates it and adds his synopsis to his father’s record.