God’s goodness

My God hath been my support;
he hath led me
through mine afflictions in the wilderness;
and he hath preserved me
upon the waters of the great deep.

He hath filled me with his love,
even unto the consuming of my flesh.

He hath confounded mine enemies,
unto the causing of them to quake before me.

Behold, he hath heard my cry by day,
and he hath given me knowledge
by visions in the nighttime.

And by day have I waxed bold
in mighty prayer before him;
yea, my voice have I sent up on high;
and angels came down
and ministered unto me.

And upon the wings of his Spirit
hath my body been carried away
upon exceedingly high mountains.

And mine eyes have beheld great things,
yea, even too great for man;
therefore I was bidden
that I should not write them.

From section: Schism Between the Nephites and the Lamanites

From page: Colonization of the Promised Land
