2 Nephi 4:17-19

Brant Gardner

The emotional outpouring of these verses, and those which follow through the end of the chapter, have been called the Psalm of Nephi. While the language is highly emotional and is constructed of multiple sets of parallel concepts, there is no overarching composition. This outpouring is a spontaneous expression that was not part of Nephi’s plan for writing, but we are the better for its inclusion.

Nephi begins with contrasts. He starts with the great goodness of Jehovah, and offsets that goodness with Nephi’s personal foibles. Nephi understands that he is subject to human frailty, and that he falls short of the qualities embodied in the goodness of God.

While this contrast begins with Nephi seeing himself as a sinner, it will turn to a positive message, and that positive message will come because he does know in whom he has trusted.

Book of Mormon Minute
