How does one allow the “day of grace” to pass, or procrastinate repentance until it is too late?

Thomas R. Valletta

“‘One of the greatest principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the principle of repentance,’ said President Harold B. Lee. ‘However, if one has sinned so seriously and becomes habitually a sinner, the spirit of repentance leaves, and he may or may not be able to repent.’ (Church News, March 3, 1973, p. 4.) Amulek had previously warned against procrastinating the day of repentance. His great sermon teaches of a ‘night of darkness’ wherein additional labor (that is, faith, repentance, ordinances, etc.) is not forthcoming because the Spirit of the Lord is withdrawn and Satan ‘doth seal you his’ and ‘hath all power over you’ (Alma 34:33–35 … )” (McConkie et al., Doctrinal Commentary, 4:217).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
