Lamanite King’s Servants

Blamed by Amalickiah for murdering Lamanite King

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Lamanite King’s Servants

Fleeing to the land of Zarahemla after being falsely accused of regicide, the servants of the Lamanite king found themselves immersed in a nefarious plot orchestrated by Amalickiah, a cunning Nephite dissenter aimed at seizing the Lamanite throne. Amalickiah, who had deceitfully climbed the ranks within the Lamanite hierarchy, used these servants as pawns in his ambitious plot. After Amalickiah’s own servants murdered the king, he artfully shifted the blame to the king’s servants to mask his treachery and to rally the Lamanites to his cause (Alma 47:20-24). Terrified and aware of the grave consequences they faced, the innocent servants fled the scene as an army, misled by Amalickiah’s lie, gave chase with vengeance in mind (Alma 47:28).

The flight of the servants led them to the land of Zarahemla, where they sought refuge with the people of Ammon, a group who had also renounced their Lamanite heritage in favor of peace and righteousness. Integrating with the Nephite society, one servant in particular stood out – a man named Laman. Laman later demonstrated his loyalty to his new allies by aiding Captain Moroni, the leader of the Nephite armies, in the strategic recapture of the city of Gid. Laman’s knowledge of the Lamanite language and customs proved invaluable during the operation, contributing to a Nephite victory without the loss of a single life (Alma 55:4-26). Through bravery and a sincere change of allegiance, the wrongfully accused individuals found a chance to start anew among the Nephites, working toward the protection and enhancement of their adopted homeland.

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