Coriantumr’s Sons

Defenders of Coriantumr's Kingdom

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Coriantumr’s Sons

The sons of Coriantumr were active defenders and participants in the tumultuous period leading up to the eventual demise of the Jaredite civilization. In their time, they experienced the shifts of power and the ravages of war that punctuated the history of their people. Noted for their involvement in the battle for the kingdom, they played a decisive role during the fourth year of a particularly intense conflict. They succeeded in overcoming Shared, a rival to their father’s throne, thereby restoring Coriantumr to his former position as the ruler (Ether 13:24). This action implies that they were both skilled in warfare and loyal to their father’s cause, engaged in the dynastic strife and the broader internecine wars that characterized the Jaredite political landscape.

Apart from their success on the battlefield, the record exploring the details of their lives, their individual names, and their exploits is sparse. The strife they encountered and the blood they shed were set against a backdrop of prophetic pronouncements about a new heaven and a new earth, which foreshadowed the end of their civilization and the renewal of the world (Ether 13:9). While they might have bled much in their lifetime, their efforts ultimately culminated in the fulfillment of these prophecies, as their actions were part of the larger narrative leading to the destruction and renewal foretold.

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