“And I Am Brought Forth Triumphant Through the Air”

Brant Gardner

[until my spirit and body shall again reunite]: Moroni’s understanding of the gospel is centered on the mission of the Atoning Messiah. Therefore, in his farewell he refers to his earthly death in terms that emphasize the redemption from that death through Christ. In his last statement, Moroni testifies not to the Book of Mormon, but to Christ the Atoning Messiah.

[brought forth triumphant through the air]: This is simply an image of the resurrection. After death, the soul must “rise” to heaven which is conceived as above the earth. It is this conception of heaven as “up” that requires that he be “brought forth…through the air.”

[the Eternal Judge]: There are two aspects to the atonement, and in Moroni’s final testimony, he declares both of them. He rises through the resurrection, or the atonement for physical death. In the end he stands before the Judge, who judges because the acceptance of the atonement for spiritual death is not automatic. Moroni’s final statement underlines not only his faith in the person of Christ, but in the mission of Christ.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
