What do “beautiful garments” represent?

Thomas R. Valletta

“The Lord states: ‘For Zion must increase in beauty, and in holiness; her borders must be enlarged; her stakes must be strengthened; yea, verily I say unto you, Zion must arise and put on her beautiful garments.’ (D&C 82:14.)

“Here the Lord declares another great purpose of a stake: to be a beautiful emblem for all the world to see. The phrase ‘put on her beautiful garments’ refers, of course, to the inner sanctity that must be attained by every member who calls himself or herself a Saint. Zion is ‘the pure in heart.’ (D&C 97:21.)

“Stakes in Zion are strengthened and Zion’s borders enlarged as members reflect the standard of holiness that the Lord expects of His chosen people” (Benson, “‘Strengthen Thy Stakes,’” 2).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
