Is it possible to always have hope?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Admittedly, we have ample reason to be deeply concerned because we see no immediate answers to the seemingly unsolvable problems confronting the human family. But regardless of this dark picture, which will ultimately get worse, we must never allow ourselves to give up hope! Moroni, having seen our day, counseled, ‘Wherefore, there must be faith; and if there must be faith there must also be hope. (Moro. 10:20.)” (Ballard, “Joy of Hope Fulfilled,” 31).

What can we do to develop the faith necessary to “do all things which are expedient” to the Lord? (10:23) “If you will let your heart be drawn to the Savior and always remember Him, and if you will draw near to our Heavenly Father in prayer, you will have put on spiritual armor. You will be protected against pride because you will know that any success comes not from your human powers. And you will be protected against the thoughts which come rushing in upon us that we are too weak, too inexperienced, too unworthy to do what we are called of God to do to serve and help save His children. We can have come into our hearts [this promise recorded by] Moroni” (Eyring, Because He First Loved Us, 74).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
