The Gifts of the Spirit

Bryan Richards

The gifts of the Spirit are listed in three locations in the scriptures: Moroni 10, 1 Cor 12, and DC 46. Each of these versions offers different informative counsel regarding the importance and applications of these gifts. From DC 46, we learn That unto some it may be given to have all those gifts, that there may be a head, in order that every member may be profited thereby (DC 46:29). From Paul, we learn that the gifts of the spirit are as indispensable to the body of Christ as any of its individual members, And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you (1 Cor 12:21). Yet, when we deny or ignore the gifts of the Spirit, we are in effect saying “I have no need of you.”

Dallin H. Oaks

“Faith is a spiritual gift. So is personal revelation. So is a testimony of Jesus Christ. And there are other spiritual gifts. We know too little about spiritual gifts. This is evident in our communications, and it is also evident in our failure to seek after and use spiritual gifts.” (Ensign, Sep. 1986, “Spiritual Gifts”)

Elder John W. Taylor

"…this people can no more live spiritually without these gifts and blessings and inspirations from our Father than you can live a month without eating. You will die a spiritual death, and there will be nothing left of you in the kingdom of God but a dead form. As the Prophet has said, the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.
“…I tell you that among the Latter-day Saints there is a famine for the spiritual gifts of God. That is my testimony unto you. These gifts and blessings are enjoyed among this people, but we do not enjoy them to that fullness that we will when we come up to the standard of keeping the commandments.” (Conference Report, Apr. 1900, p. 27)

