“Write Somewhat a Few Things, if Thou Art Spared; I Have Sacred Records That I Would Deliver Up Unto Thee; May Christ Lift Thee Up, and May . . . the Hope of His Glory and of Eternal Life, Rest in Your Mind Forever”

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

In the throes of mortal danger and under the burden of unspeakable grief, Mormon does not lose his grasp of the divine commission given him and his son to preserve and augment the sacred records. He does not give up hope. He does not give up his faith. He retains in his heart and mind the vision of the blessings of heaven flowing by virtue of the grace of the Father and the Son. Likewise, when trials and tribulations are all about us, we cannot ever forget the nurturing power of Christ in our lives, for it will give us hope to carry on.

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
