Moroni 9:16 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
and that part of the provisions which the Lamanites did [not 1ABCEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST| D] carry away behold the army of Zenephi has carried away

Here we have another typo in the 1841 British edition that shows sloppiness and maybe even a lack of proofing. The not is crucial for making sense of this sentence. The 1849 LDS edition restored the not. For another example of the 1841 printer’s failure to produce an accurate text, see under Ether 15:15.

Summary: Maintain in Moroni 9:16 the not in the relative clause “which the Lamanites did not carry away”; the not is necessary to the meaning of the larger sentence.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 6
