“They Do It for a Token of Bravery”

Bryan Richards

For a moment, let's consider how absurd this is! The soldiers in Moriantum defined bravery by the torture of young, helpless women. But which part was the brave part? Was it when they raped them? Was it when they tortured them? Was it when they murdered them? Was it when they ate them? Or was a soldier only brave if he did all four? Certainly, we must search the annals of history to find men as brave as these noble, girl-torturers! Or at least, so Satan had convinced them.

Again, the Book of Mormon teaches us that Satan has an amazing ability with the wicked. He can convince them that cowardice is bravery, that debauchery is nobility, that dark is light, and that evil is good, proving that if there is one thing over which he is master, it is his ability to disguise reality.

