Moroni 8:27-30

Brant Gardner

At the very end of the letter, Mormon steps away from an administrative role and concludes by giving fatherly counsel. These last verses shift to a more familiar tone, and it becomes a sad statement that, while little children might not need repentance and baptism, the “big children,” or the Nephite nation, is in dire need of repentance. Where the little children did not require repentance and baptism, the Nephite nation not only requires repentance, but is refusing repentance. Sadly, Mormon notes that “after rejecting so great a knowledge, my son, they must perish soon.” We do not know the length of time that “soon” was, but it was not more than a few years.

At the time of the letter, Mormon does not know that he will meet with Moroni. The next letter will continue with that hope of reunion, along with sadness for the unrepentant Nephites.

Book of Mormon Minute
