Why does Mormon connect “peace” with those who follow Christ?

Thomas R. Valletta

“This is the spiritual endowment of hope—of perspective, of patience, of an inner serenity, a sure inner sight, that is ‘not weary in well-doing.’ (D&C 64:33.) Such hope is bestowed by the power of the Holy Ghost, ‘which Comforter filleth with hope.’ (Moroni 8:26.) … It is the hope that Mormon recognized as a sustaining, God-given source of strength in the maturing stages of spiritual development: [Moroni 7:3–4]. Not perfect, not frantic; not pessimistic and not artificially cheerful. The walk of those who walk with the endowment of hope is ‘peaceable’” (Hafen, Broken Heart, 183–84).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
