Moroni 6:5-6

Brant Gardner

Having explained the responsibilities of the members of the church, Moroni turns to speak of the community into which the baptized person has entered. How did that subcommunity of the larger population function?

Moroni clearly defines church in terms of a community. He had previously said that the community should care for its new members, and now he is saying that it should “meet together oft.” When they meet, what should they do? They should be a community, and they should fast and pray to commune with God, and they should “speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls.”

Moroni continues to reinforce the purpose of the community: they, the church, partake of the sacrament often. While it simply says that they met “in remembrance” of the Lord, it is likely that there was also an understanding of covenant renewal in the ordinance.

Book of Mormon Minute
