“Were Wrought Upon and Cleansed by the Power of the Holy Ghost”

D. Kelly Ogden, Andrew C. Skinner

How much time and effort do we spend on bringing individuals into the Church? How much time and effort do we spend on keeping each person in the Church?

For missionaries and members, this verse talks about retention. The verse also contains specific guidelines and instructions for priesthood home teachers. What happens after baptism?

1. We receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, are cleansed by his power, and become one with the Saints.

2. Our names are placed on ward or branch membership lists and on lists for receiving the priesthood (males), for callings, for interviews, and for home and visiting teachers.

3. We are nourished by the good word of God through our own scripture study and through visits with our priesthood leaders, class teachers, and home and visiting teachers to keep us in the right way—continually watchful to prayer and relying upon the merits of Christ, recognizing him as the only source of forgiveness for our sins. President Gordon B. Hinckley gave clear instruction involving verse 4: “Every [new member of the Church] needs three things: a friend, a responsibility, and nurturing with ‘the good word of God.’”2 On nourishing the members, see also Alma 32:37.

Once baptized, disciples of Christ must rely alone on the merits of Christ and nothing else! What are the merits of Christ? Besides this verse there are five other occurrences of this concept in the scriptures (2 Nephi 2:8; 31:19; Alma 24:10; Helaman 14:13; D&C 3:20). These passages teach of Christ’s praiseworthy and everlasting qualities, virtues, and accomplishments: his justice, his mercy, his grace, his forgiveness, his compassion, his love, and his infinite sacrifice. These are the merits of Christ. Only he can save. We cannot do enough good works to save ourselves without him.

“Were Wrought Upon and Cleansed by the Power of the Holy Ghost”

How much time and effort do we spend on bringing individuals into the Church? How much time and effort do we spend on keeping each person in the Church?

For missionaries and members, this verse talks about retention. The verse also contains specific guidelines and instructions for priesthood home teachers. What happens after baptism?

1. We receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, are cleansed by his power, and become one with the Saints.

2. Our names are placed on ward or branch membership lists and on lists for receiving the priesthood (males), for callings, for interviews, and for home and visiting teachers.

3. We are nourished by the good word of God through our own scripture study and through visits with our priesthood leaders, class teachers, and home and visiting teachers to keep us in the right way—continually watchful to prayer and relying upon the merits of Christ, recognizing him as the only source of forgiveness for our sins. President Gordon B. Hinckley gave clear instruction involving verse 4: “Every [new member of the Church] needs three things: a friend, a responsibility, and nurturing with ‘the good word of God.’”2 On nourishing the members, see also Alma 32:37.

Once baptized, disciples of Christ must rely alone on the merits of Christ and nothing else! What are the merits of Christ? Besides this verse there are five other occurrences of this concept in the scriptures (2 Nephi 2:8; 31:19; Alma 24:10; Helaman 14:13; D&C 3:20). These passages teach of Christ’s praiseworthy and everlasting qualities, virtues, and accomplishments: his justice, his mercy, his grace, his forgiveness, his compassion, his love, and his infinite sacrifice. These are the merits of Christ. Only he can save. We cannot do enough good works to save ourselves without him.

Verse by Verse: The Book of Mormon: Vol. 2
