Moroni 6:1-3

Brant Gardner

Moroni begins this chapter by speaking about the ordinance of baptism. He starts out stating who should be baptized. Of all the people in the world, who receives this ordinance? Before commenting on Moroni’s specifics, it should be noted that there is no evidence that the Nephites understood the ordinance of baptizing for the dead, which deals with a very different type of application of the baptismal covenant. For the dead, all are baptized so that they will have the ability to accept or reject it. For baptisms of living persons, which is what Moroni is discussing, there are necessary requirements for baptism.

The first requirement is that the candidate should have “brought forth fruit meet that they were worthy of [baptism].” The phrasing is a little surprising, for when we see “elders, priests, and teachers,” we assume that Moroni is speaking of those who will do the baptizing. He is not. He is only saying that these kinds of people should be baptized, and that they should be worthy of baptism.

The second requirement is that “they came forth with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, and witnessed unto the church that they truly repented of all their sins.” Repentance is an important precursor to baptism, and an important part of both the worthiness and the manifestation of fruitful works. If we do not repent, we have not “brought forth fruit meet” for baptism.

Finally, the baptismal covenant to take upon oneself the name of Christ, and to follow his commandments “to the end,” is to persevere in bringing forth good fruit.

Book of Mormon Minute
