Why do divisions among people escalate in war?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Coriantumr and Shared became obsessed with the necessity of ridding the world of each other. When Shared defeated one of Coriantumr’s armies, he raced to the capital and put himself on the man’s throne. But the process of polarization then began in earnest. Coriantumr gathered ‘great strength to his army’ … while Gilead, the brother and successor of Shared, was doing the same, assisted by secret combinations. The[y] were dangerous associates, however, for they soon murdered Gilead and then … his murderer, while a giant by the name of Lib … became king. He was killed fighting Coriantumr, but his brother continued the feud—he was the famous Shiz. … Always this steady, progressive process of polarization goes on” (Nibley, Teachings of the Book of Mormon, 4:257–58).

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