“And Coriantumr Had Taken All the People with Him as He Fled”

Brant Gardner

Redaction: As Coriantumr flees he has “taken all the people with him.” This appears to indicate that Coriantumr is moving more than his military. It would seem that the entire population is relocating. The reason for this is probably tied to the information in verse 17, where Shiz is killing non-combatants. In addition to being a serious problem, this is also a parallel to the final run of the Gadianton-infused Lamanite army against the Nephties. Once again, the parallels so tight enough to lead to a suspicion that Moroni is the cause of the parallel, rather than history itself. In Mormon’s day, the destructive type of warfare was an apparent new innovation, and one for which they were ill prepared. To have a similar war of total destruction at the end of the Jaredites at a much earlier period in history fits into the cyclical view of history, but it is highly probable that it was pushed into that cyclical representation.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
