What is the symbolism of having ones clothing washed in the blood of the Lamb?

Thomas R. Valletta

“It is interesting to note the symbols used here by the Savior to teach the sanctifying, cleansing power of the infinite and eternal sacrifice of the Lamb of God. How do sin-stained garments become pure white when immersed in the blood of Christ? Mortal blood is a staining agent itself, but somehow, spiritually speaking, the blood spilled by a God in our behalf becomes the only true cleansing agent” (McConkie et al., Doctrinal Commentary, 4:180).

The New Jerusalem
“Ether was shown many marvelous things by the Lord, including the establishment of a New Jerusalem prior to the Second Coming. Note what Ether said about the New Jerusalem:
“1. It will be ‘the holy sanctuary of the Lord’ (Ether 13:2).
“2. It will be built on the American continent for the remnant of the seed of Joseph (see verses 4–6).
“3. It will be a holy city like the Jerusalem built unto the Lord (see verses 8–9).
“4. It will stand until the earth is celestialized (see verse 8).
“5. It will be a city for the pure and righteous (see verse 10)” (Book of Mormon Student Manual [2009], 380).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
