“All Men Shall Know That My Garments Are Not Spotted with Your Blood”

Brant Gardner

Moroni bears witness that what he has written is true. Whatever weaknesses his writing might have, the time will come when he will meet his future readers face to face. He will then powerfully testify in speech to the truth of his written message.

Moroni’s comment, “even as a man telleth another in mine own language,” is an unusual glimpse of revelation. Naturally, not all prophets receive revelation in precisely this manner, but Moroni was describing an experience that was personal, interactive, and in “mine own language.” Yahweh is certainly not restricted to any earthly language. When Yahweh speaks, the prophet understands it in his or her own language, a detail that emphasizes the uniqueness of the experience. We have records from inspired men who have written in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, English, Egyptian (Nephi), and Reformed Egyptian (Moroni). Moroni may have spoken a language different from that in which he wrote. Nevertheless, the revelation comes from the same God. The meaning is more important than the words. We need not speak God’s language to understand what he wants of us. That message can be encoded in many languages.

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 6
