“Man Might Have a More Excellent Hope Wherefore Man Must Hope”

Bryan Richards

Monte J. Brough

"In facing tragedy, it is instructional to observe those who have complete and total faith in the reality of the mansions of our Father. This faith does result in a testimony of Jesus Christ and the process of the Atonement. 'Man must hope, or he cannot receive' the blessing of the great plan of happiness, which provides peace and understanding for mortal mankind. It is this 'more excellent hope' that allows us to accept whatever trial or test comes to us.
"As each of us faces personal tragedy, we can have a much better acceptance of the final results because of the prophet Ether's example." (Heroes From the Book of Mormon, p. 194-5)

Neal A. Maxwell

"The capacity to love grows out of 'faith unfeigned.' The Gospel of Jesus Christ offers to man 'a more excellent hope,' a perspective about life that infuses it with purpose, even with its tragedy. The Gospel reveals a continuity in human affairs and makes it clear that life is not just a brief encounter.
"It is easy to see, though lamentable, why increasing numbers of individuals suffer from exquisite, existential despair. Unsupported by the heavenly gift of the Holy Ghost, even the believer would come to despair. Faith and meekness permit the Holy Ghost to bless us, and the 'Comforter filleth with hope and perfect love, which love endureth. . . .' (Moroni 8:26.)" (A Time To Choose, p. 48)

