Ether 12:28-29

Brant Gardner

Verse 27 records that the Lord told Moroni: “If men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble.” The context for the comments on weakness began with Moroni worrying that his own weakness in writing would hinder the acceptance of the Book of Mormon. God responds that weaknesses will be made into strength, and then specifically notes that the Gentiles can be shown their weakness. If some might desire to mock, there would be others who would be humble, and that humility would bring them to God in “faith, hope and charity.” By implication, they would accept the Book of Mormon. It is for that reason that Moroni, upon hearing those words, “was comforted.” He understood that his weakness would not result in the failure of the book to do what it was intended to do.

Book of Mormon Minute
