“If Men Come Unto Me I Will Show Unto Them Their Weakness”

Bryan Richards

George Q. Cannon

"If you go to the Lord with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, he will show to you all your faults, and all your weaknesses, he will bring plainly before you wherein you have come short in doing his will, and when you see yourself in the light of that spirit instead of being filled with pride, you will feel to abase yourselves and bring yourselves down in the very dust of humility; your own unworthiness will be so plain before you, that if pride should come into your heart at any time, you will almost be shocked at it, and you will feel to put it away from you. It is in this way that we as Latter-day Saints should live." (Journal of Discourses, 22:101-2 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Douglas Bassett, p. 501)

George Q. Cannon

"The Lord shows His servants their weaknesses. They are made to feel how impotent they are without Him. He will keep them constantly reminded of their dependence upon Him, conscious that they are poor, fallible creatures, and that their only strength is in the Lord. If a man is blessed of the Spirit of the Lord, with great gifts and power, with visions and revelations, He will accompany these gifts and graces perhaps with weaknesses, in order that the man may be kept humble, and not be lifted up in the pride of his heart, and forget the source of his blessings." (Collected Discourses 1886-1898, ed. by Brian Stuy, vol. 5, George Q. Cannon, Apr. 17, 1897)

Ezra Taft Benson

"It was while I was on my first mission that I discovered the constant need for dependence on the Lord. I learned through experience that I could not convince another soul to come unto Christ. I learned that one cannot convert another by just quoting scripture. Conversion comes when another is touched by the Spirit of the Lord and receives a witness, independent of the missionary, that what he or she is being taught is true.
"I learned that a missionary is only a vessel through whom the Lord can transmit His Spirit. To acquire that Spirit, a missionary must humble himself in prayer and ask our Heavenly Father to use him to touch the hearts of investigators. The first lesson of missionary work is to be dependent on the Lord for our success." (Come Unto Christ, p. 95)

