Examples of the Power of Faith

Bryan Richards

Talks on faith often begin with a dictionary or scriptural definition, followed by the usual discussions about the first principle of the gospel. Not uncommonly, both the speaker and the congregation feel bored with such a simple and straightforward concept. Yet, Moroni didn’t find the subject boring at all! He demonstrated the power of the principle in a way that we rarely fully appreciate. Beginning with the appearance of Christ to the Nephites, he catalogues many of the greatest events in the scriptural history of his people. Hereby, we learn that all of the greatest events in the history of religion have occurred because of faith. Each of these examples are given to prove the one point that Moroni is trying to make—that ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith (v. 6).

In this extensive list, Moroni describes these great events much as Paul had done earlier. Many similarities exist between the writings of Moroni and Paul, particularly on the subject of faith, hope, and charity. One of the most striking parallels is the way each deals with the subject of faith.



(v. 7) Christ appeared to the Nephites

(v. 2) the elders obtained a good report

(v. 8) Christ became the author of salvation

(v. 3) we understand the Creation

(v. 10) the ancients received the priesthood

(v. 4) Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice

(v. 11) the law of Moses was given

(v. 5) Enoch was translated

(v. 11) the law of Moses was fulfilled

(v. 7) Noah prepared an ark

(v. 13) Alma and Amulek caused the prison to tumble to the earth

(v. 8) Abraham left his home of Haran to receive a greater inheritance

(v. 14) Nephi and Lehi wrought the change upon the Lamanites

(v. 11) Sara conceived and bare Isaac

(v. 15) the sons of Mosiah converted thousands of Lamanites

(v. 17) Abraham offered up Isaac

(v. 17) the three Nephites obtained the promise of translation

(v. 20) Isaac prophesied about and blessed Jacob and Esau

(v. 20) the brother of Jared saw God

(v. 21) Jacob blessed his sons

(v. 22) the brother of Jared was shown all things

(v. 22) Joseph commanded that he be buried with his fathers

(v. 23) the Nephite prophets received a promise that the Book of Mormon would come forth in the last days

(v. 23) Moses was hid for three months

(v. 30) the brother of Jared moved a mountain

(v. 24-27) Moses rejected his royal Egyptian lineage in favor of his status as a Levite

(v. 31) the Savior appeared to the twelve disciples (see 3 Nephi 27:1-2)

(v. 28) Moses and Israel were preserved during the first Passover

(v. 29) the Israelites passed through the Red seas as by dry land

(v. 30) the walls of Jericho fell down

(v. 31) the harlot Rahab preserved herself and her household

(v. 32-39) great men and women performed miraculous things and suffered amazing trials

