Ether 12 — Study Questions
- Ether 12: 3–4 — What process did Ether teach as a means to gain a better world? What provides an anchor for the “souls of men” to help them in their journey?
- Ether 12:5–6 — To what did Moroni attribute the inability of the people to believe the marvelous things that Ether prophesied? What advice does he give to us about seeking proof of spiritual phenomena before we believe?
- Ether 12:6–22 — While reading Moroni’s discourse on faith, can you detect why the Savior has appeared only to certain witnesses instead of to the whole world? To help answer this question, you may wish to read Acts 10:39–41. Why were the golden plates shown only to a limited number of witnesses? What examples of faith did Moroni offer? Can you list them?
- Ether 12:23–27 — Why was Moroni so concerned about the gentiles mocking, and especially about “the placement of our words?” Did the Lord say to Moroni, “Oh no, you do not have a weakness in that area!” What did he say?
- Ether 12:38–41 — What kind of person can you detect that Moroni is after reading this farewell? How does our humility and faith stack up?