“The People Were Brought Unto Repentance”

Brant Gardner

Note that verse 26 has the real conclusion to this part of the story. The people have had wars, and they have been wicked and idolatrous. Just as they had early been able to invoke the blessing of the land of promise, they are in danger of invoking the curse of the promised land. Through repentance they avoid being destroyed. As a result of their righteousness, they are not only saved from destruction, but they begin to prosper again. When Shule begets sons and daughters in his old age, we do not know if this statement is simply part of the formula to indicate prosperity, or if this is chronologically accurate. The chronological accuracy is somewhat doubtful, although it is possible that a man in his mid to late seventies might still be able to bear children.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
