“Taught from on High”

Church Educational System

To be “taught from on high” one must keep the commandments and be worthy of the companionship and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained the blessings of being taught by the Spirit: “When all the challenges pour down on you, you will have a quiet inner feeling of support. You will be prompted to know what to do. You can live in a world of turmoil and great challenge and be at peace. You will be inspired to know what to do and to have the power or capacity to do it. Remember this promise of the Lord … : ‘Ye are to be taught from on high. Sanctify yourselves [that is, keep my commandments] and ye shall be endowed with power’ (D&C 43:16)” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1991, 44; or Ensign, May 1991, 35).

Book of Mormon Student Manual (2009 Edition)
