Ether 5:1-2

Brant Gardner

This very short chapter was also a chapter in the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon. It is Moroni speaking, and it is unrelated to his task of writing the book of Ether. When he states, “ye may be privileged that ye may show the plates,” it is very clear that Moroni is addressing Joseph Smith directly. This entire chapter is written directly to the person who will be translating the records. It is obvious that Moroni has seen him, and, as part of the vision he has had of the coming forth of the record that he and his father wrote, he saw Joseph’s role as well.

The testificatory amen at the end of the previous chapter was the reason the chapter had ended. What Moroni was speaking of at that time was the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and he gave an admonition to those who would receive it that they should repent and be baptized (Ether 4:18–19). With that on his mind, Moroni turned his thoughts to Joseph Smith and the way in which this record might be deemed to be true. That was a topic he covered in Ether 4:11–12, and he picks it up here, but in a much more precise direction toward Joseph Smith.

Verse 2 sets the stage for both the three and the eight witnesses.

Book of Mormon Minute
