“When Ye Shall Rend That Veil of Unbelief”

Bryan Richards

Jeffrey R. Holland

"The Book of Mormon is predicated on the willingness of men and women to ‘rend that veil of unbelief’ in order to behold the revelations—and the Revelation—of God. The brother of Jared may not have had great belief in himself, but his belief in God was unprecedented. In that there is hope for us all. His faith was without doubt or limit.
“’I know, O Lord, that thou hast all power, and can do whatsoever thou wilt for the benefit of man; therefore touch these stones, O Lord, with thy finger.’ (Ether 3:4) From the moment of that utterance, the brother of Jared and the reader of the Book of Mormon would never again be the same. Once and for all it was declared that ordinary people with ordinary challenges could rend the veil of unbelief and enter the realms of eternity. And Christ, who was prepared from the foundation of the world to redeem his people, would stand in all his glory at the edge of that veil, ready to receive the believers and show them ‘how great things the Father had laid up’ for them at the end of faith’s journey. (Ether 4:14)” (Christ And The New Covenant, p. 29)

