“Thou Shalt Not Suffer These Things Which Ye Have Seen to Go Forth Unto the World”

Brant Gardner

Narrative: Moroni abruptly leaves his textual aside and returns to the source text. The important aspect of the source text is that this message of the personal nature of the Father/Son is not to be made public knowledge. It is to be sealed up until after the mortal ministry of the Messiah. Even though it is certain that the brother of Jared kept this word, it is also certain that some record was kept among the Jaredite righteous so that it arrived at Ether’s time so that it could be written down. It was not general knowledge, but it was private understanding. This also explains how Alma knows about this record, but that the entire text of the Book of Mormon is unaware of its contents until Moroni’s abridging of the record of Ether. It was not intended to be made available, and so the prophets did not disclose it, even though they had it.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
