Ether 3:2-5

Brant Gardner

The brother of Jared restates the problem that is to be solved. The Lord had said that they might be “encompassed about by the floods,” and in the earlier verse the Lord had declared that this was the reason they could not use fire as a light.

As the brother of Jared brings his petition to the Lord, he declares that he understands that “because of the fall our natures have become evil continually.” This sentence recalls the similar statement that “the brother of Jared repented of the evil which he had done” in Ether 2:15. The brother of Jared approaches the Lord to request assistance; assistance he understands that he does not merit.

In verse 3 he also recalls that the Lord had to chastise him, and all the people, for remaining too long on the coast without obeying the command to depart for the promised land.

Nevertheless, he asks the Lord to touch the stones, to change their nature from inert stone to miraculous instruments of light. In spite of the brother of Jared’s declaration that he has no right to request anything of God, he nevertheless has faith that God can, and will, do it.

Book of Mormon Minute
