Mormon 9:27-29

Brant Gardner

Moroni is wrapping up his argument. He spoke of the fate of those who do not believe in Christ, and of God’s faithfulness to provide both the Savior and miracles. The reversal of the doom of unbelief is faith, and Moroni now admonishes his readers to be among the believers: “Despise not, and wonder not, but hearken unto the words of the Lord.”

The key to gaining faith is to open communication between God and our hearts. We must ask of the Father, and “doubt not, but be believing.”

Moroni also reiterates the importance of this life as a time to learn to know Christ. Thus, he admonishes us to “be wise in the days of [our] probation.”

Finally, we are to be baptized to follow the gospel of Jesus Christ. However, it isn’t the simple act of immersion, but the worthy immersion that allows it to cleanse us and put us on the correct path to God. From that point, we still are required to live according to the commandments. Thus, we are admonished to “endure to the end.”

Book of Mormon Minute
