“The Eternal Purposes of the Lord Shall Roll on”

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

This magnificent phrase captures the majesty of the plan of redemption. Moroni has been a first-person witness to the destruction of an entire nation that betrayed the Lord and mocked His eternal principles of truth and exaltation. The nation is gone, but the designs of God roll on, and all His promises will be fulfilled. The same theme pertains to our day and age. There will be many of the modern-day readers who will disparage the Book of Mormon and the Restoration of the gospel; they will choose to isolate themselves from the truth, but the plan of God will roll forth and the kingdom of God will roll on, as Daniel prophesied, like a stone hewn from the mountain without hands, until it should fill the whole earth (see Daniel 2:34–35, 44–45).

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
