Mormon 2:8

Brant Gardner

Lest we misunderstand Mormon’s description of this new invasion, “the land was filled with robbers and with Lamanites.” Mormon had declared in Helaman 2:13–14 that the Gadiantons would prove the downfall of the Nephite people. As he begins to tell the Nephite end story, Mormon intentionally emphasizes the presence of the Gadiantons. He blames them, and therefore emphasizes their presence.

Mormon also tells us that in spite of the terrible destruction created by the robbers and the Lamanites, the Nephite people “did not repent of their evil doings.” Perhaps, if they were to repent, the promise of the land might be invoked to save them. Even though the promise continued, the Nephite refusal to repent left them unqualified for that divine protection.

Book of Mormon Minute
