4 Nephi 1:1-4

Brant Gardner

The book of 4 Nephi records only the barest amount of information beyond the passage of time. At the beginning, we learn about the aftermath of the Savior’s visit to his people in Bountiful. Jesus had called twelve disciples (the Book of Mormon designation for what we would call apostles), and they did what they had been called to do. They preached the gospel as Christ had taught them.

They, and all others in Bountiful, were able to bear extremely strong testimony to the truth that Jesus was the Christ, for they had seen, heard, and been with him for days. Thus, that powerful testimony was effective as they traveled through the land to teach. They converted and baptized many.

The result of so many believing in the same thing, and having the same goals, allowed for a time when “there were no contentions and disputations among them.” There “continued to be peace in the land.”

Verse 3 shows that they implemented the New Testament version of social equality and caring for one another. They “had all things common among them; therefore there were not rich and poor, bond and free, but they were all made free, and partakers of the heavenly gift.” The long-held Nephite goal of treating others well, of not neglecting the needy, had finally come to pass, and lasted longer than during the previous years.

Book of Mormon Minute
