3 Nephi 28:36-40

Brant Gardner

These verses are interesting, both for what they teach as well as for where they appear in the chapter.

The teaching is that the transformation of the three was not a death and resurrection, but a different type of change in the body. It was a transformation that made it so that “Satan could have no power over them, that he could not tempt them.” This suggests that Satan’s ability to tempt us is related to the tests of mortality, and once we are beyond mortality, we are beyond his reach.

The location of these verses is interesting because these verses answer a question posed in verse 17 of this chapter. In between verse 17 and verse 36, we learn that there was more than one writing session. At some point, Mormon inquired of the Lord, and then received an answer. Not only does that reinforce the idea that God gives us the answers when we ask in faith, but it tells us that even a single chapter was not written in a single sitting.

This is not the end of the chapter in the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon.

Book of Mormon Minute
