“That Which Ye Have Seen Me Do Even That Shall Ye Do”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

Being one with Christ through faith and righteousness inevitably leads to oneness in action—thinking his thoughts, speaking his words, performing his works. Submission to God and “yielding our hearts” to him will bring this kind of obedience.

Doing the works of Christ does not necessarily mean that we will perform those miracles or utter those prophecies that are so great that they cannot be recorded (see 3 Nephi 17:16-17), but it means that we can live our lives so that we can enjoy the companionship of the Spirit, participate in miracles as and when appropriate, and teach with power and authority in his service.

Becoming Christlike in thought and deed does not occur suddenly or miraculously but is a continual process. “There is no one greater thing that man can do and then do no more and obtain salvation,” taught Elder B. H. Roberts. “It is by resisting a temptation today, overcoming a weakness tomorrow, forsaking evil associations the next day, and thus day by day, month after month, year after year, pruning, restraining and weeding out that which is evil in the disposition that the character is purged of is imperfections … .”

“For That Which Ye Have Seen Me Do Even That Shall Ye Do”

In these verses the Savior reiterates those principles and ordinances of the gospel with which we must comply in order to fully embrace and benefit from the Atonement; namely, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by water and by the Spirit, enduring to the end, resurrection, and eternal judgment. Without observing these vital elements of the gospel one cannot be held guiltless and will not be found spiritually spotless before the Lord.

“Viewed from our mortal position,” wrote Elder Bruce R. McConkie, “the gospel is all that is required to take us back to the Eternal Presence, there to be crowned with glory and honor, immortality and eternal life. To gain these greatest of all rewards two things are required. The first is the atonement by which all men are raised in immortality, with those who believe and obey ascending also unto eternal life. This atoning sacrifice was the work of our Blessed Lord, and he has done his work. The second requisite is obedience on our part to the laws and ordinances of the gospel.

Thus the gospel is, in effect, the atonement. But the gospel is also all of the laws, principles, doctrines, rites, ordinances, acts, powers, authorities, and keys needed to save and exalt fallen man in the highest heaven hereafter.” (New Witness, p. 134.)

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
