even until the elements should [melts 1|melt ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST] with fervent heat
Here 𝓟 reads incorrectly as melts rather than the obvious melt (the 1830 reading). This form appears to be a simple scribal error on the part of scribe 2 of 𝓟. He made similar
additions of morphemic s elsewhere in his copywork:
- Mosiah 29:41 to rule over them or to [ Judges >% Judge 1] them
- Alma 2:16 at the [heads >% head 1] of his armies
- Alma 9:20 having been favored above every [others >% other 1] nation
- Alma 11:40 and salvation [comeths >% cometh 1] to none else
- Alma 12:7 the thoughts and intents of his [𝓢① hearts >+ 𝓢② heart ]
- 3 Nephi 19:25 and his [countenances >% countenance 1] did smile upon them
- 3 Nephi 23:11 ye have not written this [things >% thing 1]
- 3 Nephi 29:7 for he that doeth this shall become [likes > like 1] unto the son of perdition
- Mormon 9:29 ye will in [no wises >% no wise 1] be cast out
In all these other cases but one, scribe 2 immediately caught his error (in Alma 12:7, Oliver Cowdery corrected the error when he proofed 𝓟 against 𝓞).