“Led Away Out of Jerusalem”

D. Kelly Ogden, Andrew C. Skinner

The Father has a very personal interest in this dispensation, and he has definitely commenced his work among the remnant of the Nephite-Lamanite civilization. In the 1970s and 80s there were as many stakes established in Latin America as there were in the entire Church during the administration of President David O. McKay (1950s and 60s). For example, the first stake in Mexico was establish in 1961; by 1989 the one hundredth stake was organized in that nation. The Father’s work in Latin America is phenomenal.

The Father’s work has commenced also among the lost tribes of Israel, those led away out of “Jerusalem” in the generic, national sense—the Holy City representing the entire land of Israel.

Verse by Verse: The Book of Mormon: Vol. 2
