What is one of the greatest blessings of keeping the Abrahamic covenant?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Every covenant contains promises and blessings. The Lord promised Abraham that his seed would be granted the blessings of the priesthood. (Abr. 1:18.) The Savior told the Nephites, who were a part of covenant Israel, that he would ‘bless’ them by ‘turning away every one of you from his iniquities.’ That is a wonderful promise. What turns people from their iniquities, whether it be Old Testament Israel, Book of Mormon Nephites, or Latter-day Saints? Only the principles of truth and righteousness contained in the gospel can keep a society or an individual righteous. And righteousness is the only means to happiness, peace, and rest” (Wilcox, “Abrahamic Covenant,” 272).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
