God Will Dwell in Our Midst

Church Educational System

While teaching the Nephites about Zion or the New Jerusalem, the Savior promised that He would “be in the midst” of His people (3 Nephi 20:22). The Lord used a similar phrase in the Doctrine and Covenants:

“But behold, verily, verily, I say unto you that mine eyes are upon you. I am in your midst and ye cannot see me;
“But the day soon cometh that ye shall see me, and know that I am; for the veil of darkness shall soon be rent, and he that is not purified shall not abide the day.
“Wherefore, gird up your loins and be prepared” (D&C 38:7–9).

The promise that God will dwell in the midst of Zion can have reference to Him being in the temple in Zion (the New Jerusalem) and that “all the pure in heart that shall come into [the temple] shall see God” (see D&C 97:16).

Book of Mormon Student Manual (2009 Edition)
