“I Shall Heal Them”

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

Seeking the wayward and struggling is our sacred duty. The Lord specifically mentions that He will visit all of His children (see 3 Nephi 15:17; 16:1–3). His parables of the lost sheep (see Luke 15:4–7), the lost coin (see Luke 15:8–9), and the prodigal son (see Luke 15:11–32) emphasize the seeking for and the rejoicing over that which was lost. Alma wanted to help the apostatizing Zoramites that perhaps they might come again into the fold (see Alma 31:34–35). As the Savior teaches the people on the American continent, He reminds them not to cast out the wayward, but rather minister unto them, for they might, through the Spirit, come unto the Lord and be healed (see 3 Nephi 18:32). Mormon’s epistle to his son Moroni admonishes him to labor without ceasing for the souls of the Nephites regardless of the hardness of their hearts—because that is our charge in life (see Moroni 9:6; also 3 Nephi 12:15–16; 15:12; D&C 81:5; 101:39–40; 103:9–10; 108:7). Since the beginning of time, there have been those who have lost their way through poor choices. Our duty is to find and feed the sheep (see John 21:15–17), whether it be a new convert or struggling Saint. We all need to follow President Hinckley’s counsel: “With the ever-increasing number of converts, we must make an increasingly substantial effort to assist them as they find their way. Every one of them needs three things: a friend, a responsibility, and nurturing with ‘the good word of God’ (Moro. 6:4). It is our duty and opportunity to provide these things” (“Every Convert Is Precious,” Liahona, Feb. 1999, 9).

We have power, as an instrument in the hands of the Lord, to assist in the great work of saving souls. Bringing souls to Christ will be of the most worth, in that we may rest with them in the kingdom of our Heavenly Father (see D&C 15:6). This brings us resplendent joy (see Alma 36:24; D&C 18:15–16). This is what Alma sought as he preached to the Zoramites (see Alma 31:34–35). The Lord counsels President Frederick G. Williams to “succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees” (D&C 81:5). We can strengthen our brothers and sisters in our conversations, prayers, exhortations, and in all our doings. Do we actively seek to find and strengthen lost and struggling Saints?

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
