How can I help my ward or branch be more welcoming?

Thomas R. Valletta

“The Savior’s commandment to the Nephites to ‘not forbid any man from coming unto you when ye shall meet together’ has special application to us in the Church today. While we may not verbally ‘forbid’ others—members and nonmembers alike—from our fellowship in the Church, they may feel ‘forbidden’ by reason of our attitudes and our actions. Elder M. Russell Ballard observed: ‘I believe we members do not have the option to extend the hand of fellowship only to relatives, close friends, certain Church members and those selected nonmembers who express an interest in the Church. Limiting or withholding our fellowship seems to me to be contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ” (McConkie et al., Doctrinal Commentary, 4:127).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
