To whom was Isaiah referring as “watchmen”?

Thomas R. Valletta

“These verses from the writings of Isaiah are quoted four times in the Book of Mormon. Watchmen are those who publish the good tidings—the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are the prophets and all servants of the Lord who are called to teach, testify, and bring people to Christ” (Ogden and Skinner, Book of Mormon, 2:184). As to seeing “eye to eye,” it means that “the prophets shall see with their own eyes the return of the Lord’s people to the Land of Zion. It may also mean that there will be no difference of opinion among the watchmen” (Reynolds and Sjodahl, Commentary on the Book of Mormon, 7:168).

Are there two Jerusalems? (16:18–19) “Two Jerusalems are spoken of: the first is the famous Old Jerusalem in the Holy Land and the second is the New Jerusalem, also called Zion. New Jerusalem, or Zion will be built in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri” (Ogden and Skinner, Book of Mormon, 2:184).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
