“The Words of the Prophet Isaiah Shall Be Fulfilled”

Brant Gardner

Reference: Verses 18–20 quote Isaiah and had earlier been part of Abinadi’s trial in Noah’s court (Mosiah 12:20–25). Abinadi’s expansive explanation began in chapter 12 and continued through chapter 15. The Savior quotes these verses in 3 Nephi 20, interweaving them with commentary.

This conclusion to the twelve’s instruction underlines the eschatological dimensions in Israel’s ultimate redemption. That context illuminates the otherwise unattached verse 16 that reiterates the Nephites’ possession of the promised land. The Savior’s discourse to the twelve (chs. 15–16) begins with separation and ends with unification. Verse 16 reiterates that Israel in the New World will remain separate but that their records will play an important role in Israel’s final unification.

Text: This is the end of a chapter in the 1830 edition.

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 5
