“Behold, I Am the Law and the Light Look Unto Me”

Bryan Richards

Bruce C. Hafen

"…once the schoolmaster of the lower law brings us to Christ, he himself becomes the source of the higher law as it applies to our personal needs. 'Wherefore . . . feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.' (2 Nephi 32:3.) As he taught the Nephites: 'The law . . . given unto Moses hath an end in me. Behold, I am the law, and the light. Look unto me, and endure to the end, and ye shall live. . . .' (See 3 Nephi 15:8-9.)
"This scriptural context can illuminate our attempts to live the gospel in its fullest sense, for without an understanding of what is expected of us after we have been prepared by the lower law, we could be adrift on a plateau of complacency during much of our adult lives. Without some breakthrough in attitude that lifts us to the plane of the higher law, we may think of living the gospel as little more than a superficial adherence to external commandments. At that limited level, we may not even recognize the Savior when he comes into our lives hoping to lead us beyond the schoolmaster that brought us to him.
"As a practical matter, how is the higher law different? Is it simply more commandments? On the contrary, it is probably fewer commandments, but commandments of a different quality from the Ten Commandments—wide enough to include the lesser law, deep enough to transcend it." (The Broken Heart, p. 161)

