3 Nephi 14:13-14

Brant Gardner

There are no changes from Matthew 7:13–14.

Jesus shifts his narrative from the general way that we should treat each other to a more specific discussion of how we are to follow him. He uses the analogy of gates and roads. In the Old World, this was perhaps one of the reasons that his early followers did not use the term Christianity, but The Way, as a description of their religion.

Jesus makes a contrast between following two different paths: His, and the world’s. The difference is that following the world’s path is easy. The gate is wide, and broad is the way. Lots of people travel it.

Nevertheless, for His “Way”, the gate is narrow. There are a limited number of people who will be able to pass through it. Similarly, “narrow is the way” indicates that there are limited numbers who will be able to travel that road. While not mentioned here, these phrases invoke comparisons to Lehi and Nephi’s dream/vision of the Tree of Life, and those who are able to make it along the way, and then remain, to eat the fruit of the tree.

Book of Mormon Minute
