3 Nephi 13:27-34

Brant Gardner

Unfortunately, the critical phrase for the interpretation of these readings has been removed. At the beginning of Matthew 6:32, it says “for after all these things do the Gentiles seek.” That is the key. The issue is the seeking. Verse 21 above noted that “for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” These verses [27-34] are examples of that. The phrase “take no thought” means that we do not place our hearts on those things mentioned in these verses, that we do not seek those things as our highest priority. It does not mean that we should not work towards them, but that God will bless our efforts. They are all examples to show that God cares.

These verses also show that God cares even for those who do not have the wealth of the world. We can be satisfied with what we do have. There is, however, no indication that God’s statement to Adam was rescinded: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground” (Genesis 3:19 KJV).

The other interpretation of these verses, as pertaining to the mission of the disciples, is that they go “without purse or scrip” (see Mark 6:8 and Luke 10:4). Those were conditions where the disciples had to rely upon the charity of others rather than upon their own labor as they performed their missionary tasks.

There is no end to a chapter at this location in the 1830 edition of the Book of Mormon. Orson Pratt ended the chapter here to make it comparable to the chapter divisions in Matthew.

Book of Mormon Minute
